Sunday, March 28, 2010


We are replacing our roof and the noise has been very disruptive. The little creatures are getting plenty of food and water and play in the mornings before the workers arrive, but I do miss watching them in the afternoons.

Chewy the chihuahua was almost nipped by the garter snake who hangs out by my bedroom door. I saw Chewy chasing something and knew it had to be the snake judging from the way Chewy was moving, sort of jerking and jumping. I grabbed him as fast as I could and tossed him into the bedroom.

There are so many wildflowers blooming right now the air smells like perfume and it fills every room of the house. The wysteria is in full bloom and its scent blends nicely with the huge patches of bluebonnets. There are short bouquets of white flowers that look like baby's breath and tiny pink pinstriped flowers, and flowers about three feet tall with bunches of three purple or blue flowers. The crimson clover is just starting to come into bloom, as well, providing a nice contrast.

I haven't see the red parrot-like bird lately, the one who tried to kill the cardinal, but I have seen a large blue bird that I don't recognize hanging out with the sparrows. He has a loud, lovely song and seems to get along with the other birds quite nicely.

I set up the plastic owl on the fencepost, put two small trees in pots and blocked the view of the sparrow feeding station in the den patio, then moved the grill to block the view, as well, and I haven't seen the hawk all week!

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